How To make 2024 The Best Year of Your Life

2024 can be the best year of your life by making just a few small changes.

So I want to share five tips that can help boost your wealth, make you the healthiest you've ever been, and build skills that will open up a world of opportunities in the year ahead.

One: Take Action on Your Dreams

2024 has to be the year of taking action, no more waiting, no more putting off your dreams. No more saying you're gonna get around to it.

This is the year you take a stand and do what you love, no excuses.

I waited to start making videos for so long, because I was afraid of what people would say, I was even afraid of what my old high school friends would think of me when they saw me posting videos online.

But let me tell you - the moment you stop valuing other people's opinions over your dreams, your life will drastically change.

Start now.

“But what if I don’t even know what I want for my life?”

I’ve been there. Figuring out what you want for your life can feel heavy, so if you’re in that position, allow me to lighten the load…

You don’t need to choose what to do with your entire life - just choose something you're curious about right now, and take action towards that.

Treat finding your dreams like a free trial for a membership site. You're just testing it out. If you don't like it, cancel the trial and try something else.

To start, choose one thing (either your big dream or something you’re curious about), then for the next 12 weeks do something every single day towards that thing (even for just 5 minutes), then at the end of 12 weeks do a check-in.

  • Am I closer to my dream?

  • Do I enjoy what I’m pursuing?

If it brings you joy, if you’re getting closer to fulfilling your dream, repeat the 12-week cycle.

If you continue to do that over and over, by the end of the year - look out baby.

Two: Get in The Best Shape of Your Life

It's time to get very serious about your health.

This is the year you become the healthiest you've ever been and summon the most energy you've ever had in your life.

New Year's is around the corner and we all know that’s the time when people set lofty goals about their health.

Gyms are packed on January 1st. But come March, the gyms are a ghost town.

The reason for that is people come out of the gates hot and set unsustainable goals that don’t suit their current lifestyle.

Your health is a marathon, not a sprint.

I used to be a personal trainer and I know from my experience working with clients that if we didn’t make the workouts fun, or suitable to their lifestyle, they weren't going to stick with it.

We could start as hard and as fast as we wanted but if we couldn’t sustain it then we wouldn’t see results.

Being healthy is a lifestyle change. It's a habit shift. It's not one big action, or a declaration, followed by a couple month stint in the gym.

So in order to make it fun and sustainable - here's a simple strategy to start.

I call it the 3 - 40 - 5 method.

Pick 3 activities that you enjoy doing. ie. Walking, swimming, hiking, biking, pickleball, etc. Then cycle through those activities, doing each for 40 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

  • 3 Fun Activities

  • 40 Minutes / day

  • 5 Days / week

It will be enjoyable, sustainable, and you're going to be in excellent shape by the end of 2024.

Three: Plan an Extraordinary Year

You have to create a life you want instead of settling for one that just happens.

This year, we’re going to be intentional with our time instead of drifting through 2024.

An extraordinary life doesn't happen by chance - it has to be created.

So how can we do it? Start simple.

  1. write out a list of trips that you've been wanting to go on - this can be international trips, day trips, dream trips, etc.

    (If it's a dream of yours to go to Japan, write it on the list, even if you don't think it's realistic.)

  2. Next, write out a list of activities, date nights, and events that would be fun to do but are more local in your area. ie. restaurants, coffee shops, museums, etc.

  3. And finally, put some stuff on your calendar.

    • Pick one big trip and put it somewhere on your calendar. (Don't worry if it seems unrealistic right now just put it in.)

    • Pick one shorter trip (that seems more realistic) and put that on your calendar.

    • Pick five activities from your local list and put those on your calendar.

Don’t make this perfect, these things can change. And that's okay.

But putting them on the calendar gets you into the habit of planning and creating your extraordinary life rather than waiting for it to happen.

Four: Master a Skill That’s Been Holding You Back

What skill, if mastered, would have the greatest impact on your life and would open up a world of new opportunities?

For me, the skill that I'm gonna master in 2024 is public speaking. It might seem like I have it figured out because I speak in videos for a living, but the thing is, I talk to a camera alone in my room.

Get me in front of people and it’s a different story.

But if I master the skill of public speaking, I’ll unlock a world of opportunities that I’ve been avoiding (both consciously and I’m sure unconsciously).

So what skill is it for you?

After choosing a skill, then set a goal that’s kind of scary, but seems doable that’s related to that skill.

And finally, for real-world practice, start a project that requires you to perform that skill to complete it.

  • Pick a skill

  • Set a doable but scary goal related to that skill

  • Start a project to practice that skill

For example, mine might look like this…

  • Skill: Public speaking

  • Goal: Sit on a speaking panel at an event

  • Project: Launch a private community and do live monthly training

The goal is doable but it scares me and the live monthly training will allow me to consistently practice the skill, while working towards my goal, and adding value to the community in the process.

Five: Make A Lot Of Money

Decide to be wealthy.

Wealth is a mindset before anything else, and you have to grant yourself permission to make the amount of money that you want to make.

There was a time when saying “I want to make a lot of money” would’ve made me very uncomfortable. I would’ve felt greedy, or immoral.

But now I understand that money is a tool. Money itself is neither bad nor good.

You deserve to have money both to cover basic expenses and to fund your dream life.

When we’re living in survival mode, it impacts our health, it impacts the people around us, it causes stress, it causes friction. Living in survival mode isn't healthy for anyone.

Once you’ve decided that you deserve to be wealthy - it’s time to find the hole in the boat.

What’s keeping you from having the amount of money that you want?

Lack of money isn’t a problem - it’s the result of a problem. The problem is the behaviors, the circumstances, and the spending habits.

So where's the hole in the boat? If you don't have as much money as you want right now, ask yourself…

  • Do I need to get better at managing my money?

  • Am I making enough income?

  • Do I need to learn how to invest my money?

Whichever is the biggest hole, find it, and learn how to patch it up.

Cause at the end of the day, if you have poor spending habits, no matter how much money you make, that money is just going to come in and then go right back out.

Fix the hole in the boat if you want to stay afloat.

Ooo nice rhyme.

Start Now

You can do all five of these things or pick just one of them.

But I promise if you commit and take action, you can make so much progress in the next 12 months that you won't even be able to recognize yourself one year from now.

The power to change your life is in your hands.

Let's go make 2024 the best year yet.