The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 12

by Jesse Katches

A Small Shift With Big Results

do you have something in your life you’re so passionate about that it has become part of your identity?

for example…

i exercise vs. i’m fitness person.

i like coffee, vs. i’m a coffee drinker.

i run vs. i’m a runner

i’m going to venture a guess and say that if you’re like most people, you do. and while our identities are shaped by so many factors both internally and externally, one of the most powerful tools in shaping identity is the language we use.

what we say about ourselves can either propel us forward or hold us back.. i never took swim lessons as a child and my body is not the ideal shape for someone who wants to take on swimming at a higher level. growing up, everytime i would get in the pool i would hover around the edges and just enjoy holding on while kicking my legs. i always considered myself as more of a sinker so i’ve told myself for years that i’m just a bad swimmer. i’ve repeated these words to both myself and those around me for as long as i can remember and for that reason being a bad swimmer has become a part of my personal identity. but the funny thing about it is, whenever i actually do swim, i have no real problem moving about the water with ease. there is no physical evidence that should lead me or others to believe that i’m actually a poor swimmer. i only actually become a “bad swimmer” when i open my mouth and speak it into existence.

the language we use about ourselves creates a story that shapes our identity. taking stock of what we tell ourselves about ourselves to build the muscle of awareness is such a powerful tool to start making positive changes that transform our lives.

sometimes one small act of recognizing the language that may be holding us back and simply substituting it for something more empowering could lead to monumental shifts in the outcome of our lives.

i used to say “that i was a bad swimmer.”

now i say “that i am a fully capable swimmer and could become even stronger if i decided to commit the time and energy.”

what are you saying about yourself that may be holding you back? what small shift in your language could you make to move towards a more empowered identity? take some time to become aware of one specific improvement you know you could make, then swap the language here to allow yourself the freedom of a more empowering future.

now go have a wonderful and safe weekend, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me .
