The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 13

by Jesse Katches

Ever Feel Trapped in Your Mind?

do you ever feel trapped in your thoughts and wish you had the power to quickly shift your focus? well, i’m confident that you can and i want to share why i believe that…

when i reflect back on the hardest periods of my life in regards to my mental health, they were the times that i was most consumed with how i was feeling and what i was going through. and while i believe it is absolutely vital to make sure you are taking care of yourself and getting the help you need first (put your oxygen mask on before assisting others with theirs), i believe that there is also great power in being of service and supporting others along their journey.

often times when we get anxiety or obsessive thoughts we get trapped in a constant loop that locks us in the “prison” of our mind. we try to think our way out of it by getting assurance from others (or google) which often tends to make the situation worse. but i’ve found that the counterintuitive approach of doing something to make someone else feel better about themselves instead of solely focusing on yourself, is highly impactful.

you don’t need to do anything grand or above and beyond (small acts go much further than we realize), but just doing something is the key. the power of a tiny act of service can be incredibly encouraging for both the doer and the receiver and can help quickly shift your focus away from your own personal troubles.

so what i would suggest is, within the next 48 hours, you send a video message to one person you have on your mind that you think may need some support. remind them that you care, that you’re there for them, and that you love them.

we’re all in this crazy life together, we’re all on the same team, and sometimes we all just need a little strength from those around us to keep pressing on. so let’s take a moment and go make someone’s day. i’m confident that neither of us will regret it.

now go have a wonderful and safe weekend, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me .
