The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 19

by Jesse Katches

How To Accomplish Whatever You Want


Don’t change the goal, change the approach.“ - Tony Robbins

do you ever feel completely incapable of achieving the things you want?

this can be in regards to your mental health, physical health, professional life, relationships, or whatever else.

i personally have these moments in almost every endeavor i pursue and they used to often deter me from reaching the outcomes that i wanted because i would get so discouraged, but then i realized one thing..

achieving what you want is almost never a matter of capability, but instead, it’s a matter of persistence.

i have a history of getting stuck in my head and tearing myself down harder than anyone else could ever do for me. in the past this has shaken my confidence and belief in what i’m capable of achieving. even during the creation of this course i found myself doubting my ability to put together something truly valuable that i could be proud of presenting, and because of that i spent hours and hours writing, rewriting, filming, re-filming, editing, and re-editing it’s contents.

in the past, i possibly would have stopped after the 2nd or 3rd re-writes and chalked it up to my lack of ability, but not this time, both because i knew how valuable this course would be and because i knew the power of persistence.

Colonel Sanders was said to have gotten over 1000’s “no’s” before someone agreed to take a chance on his chicken recipe.

Walt Disney was said to have gotten over 300 rejections from banks and financiers before securing the funding for Disneyland.

Thomas Edison was said to have failed 1000’s times before finding a way to make the light bulb work.

can you imagine what each one of them must have been feeling after the first couple hundred “failures?”

the great Tony Robbins often asks - how much time would you give your baby to learn how to walk before stepping in and saying “maybe walking just isn’t for you?…” the obvious answer is that you would give the baby as much time as it needs, because that baby is going to keep trying until they can walk.

usually when we want something, we end up trying one or two things and we start to think, “hmmm, maybe i just can’t do it,” or “maybe this isn’t for me,” but the truth is, if we’re willing to commit and continue to change our approach until we find the one that works, there’s no reason why we can’t accomplish whatever we set out to accomplish.

so if you’re feeling discouraged and doubting your capability to achieve what you want. if you’re not progressing in your career, you’re physical health, or your mental health journey, i want to offer you this word of encouragement - we’re all just babies constantly learning how to walk and we’re going to fall down a lot, but if we give ourselves enough time, and continually change our approach until we find the one that works, then we’ll be walking in no time.


Seven Lights by Sergey Cheremisinov - a beautiful melody i enjoy listening to while i write.

The Promise by Sturgill Simpson - i love a good cross-genre cover, and this is exactly that.

Tidalwave by Moksi + Adam McInnis - this one brings the energy

It had to be you by Edmond Hall - i love listening to jazz in the mornings as i make my coffee, that’s how i found this gem.

Outer Space by Joey Gx - i put this one on repeat often. easy and chill.

and with that, go have a wonderful and safe weekend, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me .
