The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 2

by Jesse Katches

This might make you smile…

this week….

📹📹📹 i want to share a bit more about one particular video i made

📣📣📣 we have one little community announcement

😅😅😅 and i have a small challenge for you

part 1. the video 📹📹📹
have you smiled yet today? 😄 i made a video this week about the topic of simply smiling for a few min each day to boost your mood. most all of the videos i make stem from my own personal experience - then in most cases, i dig a little deeper. i spend hours each week researching and reading on these topics so that i can then make the most informed version of a video as i possibly can. so this past week, as i found myself feeling a bit depressed, i started digging deeper into the simple solutions to boost our moods and what i found was something that seemed far too simple - smiling.

from what i can tell - there have been 1000’s of studies with 100’s of participants that have lead to the conclusion that the simple act of smiling even for a few minutes could improve our mood, and don’t worry - it can be forced. this is amazing to me. smiling is free and easy (generally speaking), and anyone can do it. so what i’ve started doing this week and i would suggest you try something similar (cause whats the downside?) is smiling the whole time while performing a short task that i do daily - feeding my 2 cats 🐱🐱. it feels a little weird - i have to admit but tbh, so what? lol. its ok to be and feel weird sometimes, especially when its for a good cause.

and one last note on the benefits of smiling - i’m going to be making a video soon on what i’m about to tell you, but i’ll tell you here first 🤫 there have been additional studies (so many studies lol) around the topic of something called belief effects. and what belief effect studies show is that the more you believe something will work (ie. exercise, meditation, SMILING) it actually is proven to be more effective in your body, physiologically speaking. so if you’re going to do it - BELIEVE IT WILL WORK, and it will.

part 2. the announcements 📣📣📣

next, we have an announcement! i’ve been working on ways to bring this wonderful community we’re building even closer together and part of that is giving us a place to come together, communicate, share encouragements, tips, build each other up, and support each other overall. so to do that - i’m creating a private discord group so we can all come together and chat with more ease. as i mentioned - this is private and i will be including this as a perk on my patreon page (along with other things like BTS content and live streams), but for you, since you are subscribed to my newsletter (and that basically makes us friends) it’s free for you to join the discord group! i’ll send you more info soon - i can’t wait to chat with you there ❤️

part 3. the challenge 😅😅😅

finally. i have one little challenge for you. something i’ve been trying to do more of lately is connect with other humans (and as scary as it is sometimes, it feels so good). so i’ve been trying to meet new people, over zoom or in person. i think its so important to continue to connect with others and it can be so inspiring and liberating to chat with people and hear an entirely different perspective than you’re used to hearing. so with that said - i would like to challenge you to reach out to one person this week, someone you’ve been meaning to connect with, someone you’ve gone too long without speaking to, or someone you don’t know at all, and try to schedule a chat with them (in person or online). as i’ve said, i’ve been doing this as of late and it’s been scary, exciting, and so dang liberating. i hope it yields the same results for you and leads to many great things 🙏🏻

and with that, volume 2 of the Doing Well newsletter is concluded. i hope you have a wonderful week ahead, and as always - i’m here for you if you need me ❤️.