The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 21

by Jesse Katches

There’s Something Special About You

Quote of The Week

No one has ever become poor by giving.” - Anne Frank

i got very self-conscious at a party the other day because i thought it was going to be a potluck and that everyone would be bringing a dish, so i made tacos. but when i arrived, i quickly realized that it wasn’t a potluck at all and that the host had already ordered a ton of tamales.

so i sat there, with my tray of tacos in hand, feeling uneasy, and getting into my own head because i thought it looked as though i was trying to one-up the host and steal the show by bringing the tacos to compete with their tamales.

so, even though i knew my tacos were delicious, i felt too insecure about serving them so i suggested that i just put them away and bring them back home with me. 

however, the host is a friend and a great person, and he was not about to let me do that, he insisted that i serve the tacos. so i did, and guess what?… everybody loved them. they were gone in a flash and people were asking for more.

it wasn’t until i saw how much people enjoyed them that i was able to feel proud to present them.

i brought the tacos because i wanted to share them with my friends but i was so close to letting my insecurities get the best of me and depriving everyone of enjoying them with me.

it wasn’t until later that reflected on what happened and i realized that each of us has some form of “tacos,” in our own lives - the gifts that we want to share with the world. but for fear of judgement, failure, or whatever else, we get into our heads and never give anyone the pleasure of experiencing those gifts.

it’s not a question of if you have any gifts to share, it’s a question of what those gifts are and how you choose to share them. so i want to encourage you today, whatever your “tacos” are, go ahead and serve them proudly, and don’t let your inner doubt keep you from sharing something that the world may need.


and with that, go have a wonderful and safe weekend, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me .
