The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 4

by Jesse Katches

Are you feeling as good as you would like?

today in the Doing Well newsletter we’ll talk about…

pt.1 😁 | a technique that may help you feel good every day

pt.2 🎉 | the launch of our private community!

pt.3 👍🏻 | and how your week is going so far

😁 P A R T  |  O N E

you know those days where nothing seems to be going your way? you wake up late and you’re still somehow extra tired, you spill your coffee on your way out of the house, you get stuck in traffic (in a car or on foot), you forget your lunch, and then you make a big mistake at work while performing a task you’ve done a million times? well, maybe it hasn’t happened exactly in that sequence, but i think you get the picture. more simply put with a common expression - when it rains it pours.

now how bout the opposite? has there ever been a day where you wake up feeling great, and from there it feels as though the whole world is working in your favor? everyone is nicer, you have more energy, and all of life just seems to be moving in the right direction?

well, what if i told you that chain reaction (for both the good times and the bad) wasn’t all just a coincidence, but instead we had the power to dictate the flow of our days in either direction? idk about you, but that gets me very excited. which is exactly why i’ve been digging deeper and deeper into what i’m about to tell you.

there is a term in psychology called priming. in a basic sense, priming is when a person is exposed to one stimulus and then exposed to a second related stimulus. when this happens the exposure to the first stimulus impacts the reaction to the second - it primes the individual for a specific response. to give a real-life example - let’s say your partner, parents, brother, sister, (whomever you may have in your life) critiques your effort in keeping the house clean (of course they would never 😅), and then they immediately ask you to grab something from the kitchen for them. chances are that your reaction to them asking you to grab something from the kitchen will be altered by the critique that preceded the request. but on the flip side - if that person told you how amazing you are and then went ahead and asked you for a favor, you may feel much more enthusiastic about helping them out. can you see the chain reaction starting to form here (for better or worse)?

there’s multiple different types of priming but the one i’ve been focusing on is called repetition priming. repetition priming is essentially when you pair 2 things together and repeat them over and over to strengthen the connection. these priming associations that impact our emotions are happening every day (just like the example i mentioned above) but often times they simply go unnoticed so we become reactive to dealing with them instead of being proactive and using them to our advantage.

so how can you use this today? don’t let me lose you here with the cliche… but a good way to start using priming to your advantage is with a positive morning routine. it’s so important to control your focus early in the morning so that you get to choose how you handle and feel about the events that happen the rest of your day. each day i’ve started setting aside 10-15 minutes for some energizing breath work, positive affirmations, gratitude, and to visualize accomplishing my goals. each time i do this, i feel energized, happy, and ready to take on the day. i’m priming myself with love, positivity, and gratitude.

i recommend setting aside a few minutes each morning for a routine that leaves you feeling grateful, positive, and energized to prime yourself for the day ahead.

lmk if you have any questions on the topic 🙃

🎉 P A R T  |  T W O

i’m super excited to announce that our private discord community will launch this week! if you are receiving this email then you will instantly have access (for free). my goal with this group is to create a safe space for us all to communicate, encourage, and support one another. i hope you’ll join me there and continue helping me build this special community we’re creating - be on the lookout for your invitation in the next couple of days.

👍🏻 P A R T  |  T H R E E

it’s Wednesday and i want to hear how you’re doing.

in speaking about your outlook on this week so far would you say…

my glass is half full” or “my glass is half empty

choose one, have a wonderful rest of your week, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me ❤️.