The Doing Well Newsletter | Vol. 8

by Jesse Katches

Forget About Yourself

i’ve been a bit tied up this week and haven’t had a chance to put together the newsletter that I had originally intended (i’m sure you can relate ).

so instead i’m just going to leave you with one note on this Friday morning (NY time).

i once heard the actor Max Greenfield (Schmidt from the show New Girl) on a podcast talking about the crazy anxiety he would experience while performing because he was so in his head and worried about whether or not he was doing a good job. this led him to seek counsel to improve and ultimately receive the best piece of advice he had ever heard which was - “forget about yourself and be of service to the story.”

now you may or may not be an actor, but the sentiment conveyed in this advice is universal. taking the focus off of ourselves and onto the “stories” in our lives in whatever you do today, allow yourself to take the focus off of yourself, out of your head. take the focus away from how you may look to others or how you’re performing, and instead bring all your attention to serving the task, the conversation, the person, the story, you have in front of you.

i think you’ll see, as I have seen when i’ve applied this, that there is a wonderful sense of freedom on the otherside.

now go have a wonderful and safe weekend, and as always - i love you and i’m here for you if you need me .
